Thursday, September 19, 2013

Newsletter: special edition about the conference - Enhancing Impact Investing in Brazil

We are glad to present our fifth newsletter on Impact Investing in Brazil. The aim of the newsletters is to further unite the Impact Investing community, to provide a channel to exchange ideas and simply to inspire.

In this edition, we will provide you an overview of the “Enhancing Impact Investing” conference which took place on August 28th in São Paulo. There are another two editions planned for this year, in which we will bring a more in-depth analysis of the conference outcomes, as well as an overview of the latest deals and research developed along 2013.

The conference goal was to discuss challenges and hurdles that need to be overcome in order to accelerate the development of the Impact Investing industry in Brazil. It also aimed at providing participants with a platform to network and learn about the different perspectives of investors, entrepreneurs, accelerators and academics.

This newsletter is divided into three parts reflecting the conference agenda.

The first one encompasses two very inspirational opening speeches about Impact Investing – one from Banco Palmas, a community bank located in the State of Ceará, and one about The Why, The What and The How on the need for Impact Investing.

Also the Evaluation Center for Impact Investing incubated by Insper and a set of outcomes of the University of St.Gallen Impact Investing Research Platform were presented. To close the first part, there was a panel discussion between family offices funds and accelerators with real cases from IT3Capital, Artemísia and Pipa.

The second part was dedicated to sector-related Impact Investing presentations, with the results of a HSG master thesis on Biomass for Brazil, and the outcomes of an impact measurement methodology in the area of education.

In the last part there were three thematic roundtables about the challenges and potential solutions in the sectors of “Education”, “Social Housing” and “Alternatives and Access to Funding” in which participants were empowered to share their ideas and ask questions directly to the top-class speakers.

The momentum surrounding Impact Investing in Brazil shall not be missed. Only to compare, the last conference in December 2012 brought together around 70 participants, while this last conference in August 2013 counted on around 200 like-minded participants.

We would like to thank our conference partners – Insper and the Sustainability Committee of the Swiss-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce– and the supporters: ICE, Endeavor Visao de Sucesso, and Artemisia. The conference success is the result of a very harmonic and integrated joint work.

We hope you enjoy reading our newsletter!

You can access the full newsletter here.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Second Impact Investing Conference is over!

We would like to thank you for your participation and contribution to the second Impact Investing conference. With over 200 participants the conference was a big step forward. This time, the topic was Enhancing Impact Investing in Brazil.

Also, we are working to provide you with reports and outcomes of the conference during the next few weeks. Please also visit our facebook page for newest updates and pictures.

To shorten the time until the full conference report is published, you can already have a look at the presentation of the opening speech by Asier Ansorena from Banco Palmas, a popular community bank in Brazil. Asier is the Microcredit Director of Banco Palmas and actively involved in projects related to research, technology and innovation focused on increasing the impact of Community Banks in Brazil.

You can access the presentation here.